5 essential oils to start with

I originally got into essential oils because I wanted to make my apartment smell nice. Candles are expensive and the majority of the affordable ones contain lead and carcinogens. Yuck. #thanksyankee So I got myself a diffuser and a couple of oils to start from my friend Courtney at NYR Organic. The original investment for…

The one thing missing

Patience. Something I struggle with more often than not. When an idea is in my head, I immediately picture the end goal. Aka, my expectation of success. Anybody else do this? Start exercising and immediately want your body to look like that chick on Instagram? Cut cookies and want that “fat” part of you to disappear? Or…

You have what it takes

Happy 2017 everyone! 2016 was a great year. A challenging year, but a great one. I won’t bore you with the gruesome details, but a couple of the highlights are…. Ran my first Boston Marathon Got certified as a Holistic Health Coach and Yoga Teacher Started a volunteer yoga program at Santa Maria Hostel in…

#21: First time trying a cleanse!

Cleanses. ….What? Me? I don’t need to cleanse… …I eat healthy… enough… …I bathe nearly every day and I certainly don’t have the time for a cleanse…   …I don’t have a juicer and I certainly can’t imagine cleaning a juicer… …I won’t get all of the vitamins and minerals I need to survive… …I…

#18: Not a Boston recap

I wasn’t even planning on writing a post about Boston. I felt like I had talked/posted/thought about it so much that everyone must be tired of hearing it! I had a few friends actually ask why I had posted something about a green smoothie instead of Boston… If you are unlike them and tired of…

#17: Get cho green on

Happy belated Earth Day! Yesterday I made the most delicious green smoothie, in honor of earth day, and had to share it! This is different than a lot of the smoothies that I have made in the past because this one is majority vegetables and has not honey, agave, dates, nada! It is so naturally…