You have what it takes

Happy 2017 everyone! 2016 was a great year. A challenging year, but a great one. I won’t bore you with the gruesome details, but a couple of the highlights are…. Ran my first Boston Marathon Got certified as a Holistic Health Coach and Yoga Teacher Started a volunteer yoga program at Santa Maria Hostel in…

#13: Learning in San Francisco

This past weekend, I had the immense pleasure of traveling to San Francisco to take part in Landmark’s Self Expression and Leadership Program Workday 2. Besides visiting some of the loveliest people, eating some delicious restaurant and home-cooked meals, and going on some runs and adventures I also got to learn a few things. As…

#8: caught complaining

Phewf. This week has been a bit of a crazy one. For this reason, I will be keeping it short and sweet. *Note: I guess I’m a liar, because once I started writing, this text just happened. Crazy how I thought I would write just a couple of sentences and it winds up being a…

#7: Big Bend road trip. Starting off 2016 playing EVERYWHERE

First of all, please excuse the tardiness of this post. I have been out of cell reception (and/or out of battery and too lazy to find somewhere to recharge) since this past Saturday evening and just returned Tuesday night. Why you may ask? Well, I was taking my first big road trip of 2016 to Big Bend…

#2: Time to get healthier this year!

Hey there. As promised in my #1: It’s never too late to set a New Year’s resolution post, I want to share with you why I am extremely passionate about health and happiness, how and why this will help you, and how I envision these posts will look moving forward. Why is health so important to me? I…

#1: It’s never too late for New Year’s resolutions

Why set a New Year’s Resolution? Isn’t a resolution kind of just a fancy word for a goal that we like to throw around exclusively on December 31 and maybe for some of January? For me, the word resolution often carries the connotation of no follow-through. If you asked me what my resolutions were last year…